Why are more people choosing HelloFund over Suggested Tip platforms for their fundraising campaigns?
Number of Clicks to complete donation (4 with HelloFund vs 6 with Company A)
The suggested Tip Model is confusing to Donors
HelloFund provides personal support to your organization with Phone, Email, Text, and Live Chat support
Donors pay less in fees and are willing to donate more if they don’t have to leave a tip
Donations are automatically deposited into your Bank Account within 2 business days
Company A has a “Suggested Tip” model. While in theory, it sounds great at first glance with a 0% Platform Fee, the Suggested Tip model can be both misleading and confusing to donors.
Let’s take a look at the numbers based on a single $100 donation:
Company A with Suggested Tip (15%) Breakdown
Your Donation Amount – $100
Suggested Tip automatically selects 15% for Donor* – $15
Total Amount Donor Pays – $115
*In order to remove the 15% Tip from the transaction, you have to select 10%, 20%, or Other Amount. The only option NOT to pay the fee is to select Other and Enter $0. Adding multiple steps to your Donors equates to fewer donations for your organization.
HelloFund with a Platform Fee of 1%
Your Donation Amount – $100 HelloFund’s Platform Fee (1%) + Stripe’s CC Fee (2.9% + $0.30 per transaction) – $4.37 Total Amount Donor Pays – $104.37