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Ready to get started with HelloFund?
Unlimited Events, Bidders, Items, Customizable Landing Pages, Mobile Bidding, and more!
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Everything in STARTER plus:
Event Night Staff, Equipment (Laptops and Card Readers), Bid Cards, Recording Sheets for Paddles Up and Live Auction.
HelloFund's credit card processing fees
are a flat rate fee of 3.5% through BidKit Payments, powered by Stripe.
Event Landing Pages
Create unlimited event landing pages with custom fonts, logos, images and market sponsors for your next event.
Mass Messaging (Text and Email)
Push notifications allow you to schedule text messages and emails to send to guests pre, during and post event. Send event updates about parking, table assignments or when the silent auction ends.
Sell Tickets & Sponsorships
Create unlimited Event Ticket and Sponsorship Pages with options to enter Guest Info for each Sponsorship, Discount Codes and Custom Questions (Ex. Meal Choices, T-Shirt Size, etc.). Purchaser can keep credit card on file for ease of use on event night.
Text to Give
Run a text to give campaign all year round. Text hello to 566-51 to donate today!
Unlimited Users and Admins
Add multiple users and set access to individual users on specific event (s).
Unlimited Events
Run unlimited events concurrently all year round and accept payments securely through our platform.
Guest and Event Management
Manage your guests for you next Gala, Golf Tournament or any event you put on throughout the year. Easily track, assign and manage tables for any event.
Detailed Reports
Pull detailed Sales Reports, Payments, Checked In Bidders and many more to share with your entire team.
Automated Tax Receipts
Bidders will receive an automated tax receipt with Fair Market Value (FMV) and tax deductible amount with your organizations Tax ID information.
Event QR Codes
With every HelloFund page, you will receive a unique QR Code to share to your peers and guests.
Event Night Check In
Check In is simple with HelloFund's Butler screen. Easily check in guests, add sales / bids and check out your guests all in one place.
Online Auction Catalog
Highlight your Silent Auction, Live Auction, Fund A Need, Raffle Items and more leading up to your event.
PCI Compliance Credit Card Processing
HelloFund is PCI Compliant. That means every credit card we accept, process or store meets the highest credit card standards.
HelloFund integrates with Salesforce NP, Raiser's Edge NXT, NEON and more on the way. If you don't see a CRM listed, you can easily export into a csv file.
Event Day / Night Support (Remote)
Each organization that signs up with HelloFund Auction Starter or above will have Text and Phone support on your event day. All of HelloFund's event day / night support team is based in the United States.
Dedicated Fundraising Specialist
Receive unlimited support via Chat, Text, Phone and Conference Call leading up to, during and after your event.
Personalized Data Integration Tool
HelloFund has created a personalized Data Integration Tool for you to easily import data from your event back into your Donor Management Software (DMS). With HelloFund's personalized data integration tool, all you have to do is provide your HelloFund Fundraising Specialist with the csv file from your DMS and we will teach you how to easily update this ongoing.
Event Night Staff (In Person)
Need additional support on event night?
With over 10 years experience from our Event Night Staff team, we will ensure that you and your organization have a smooth Check In and Check Out. With our Essentials package, HelloFund will provide 1 to 4 Staff Members (depending on size of event) to help troubleshoot and train your volunteers and staff. No 3rd Party event staff company. All Event Night Staff are trained by and provided by HelloFund.
Receive Laptops and Card Readers on event day. Typically, we provide 1 laptop and 1 card reader for each 100 guests.
Bid Cards
HelloFund will provide a simple, yet effective Bid Card to ensure you don't miss any bids in the Live Auction and Paddles Up. Simple Bid Cards help Auctioneers easily find the number for your volunteers and scribers on event night.
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