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Email Templates for Virtual Auctions

We’ve done several virtual auctions recently and seen some success with organizations updating their Donor base with both text messages and emails.

Below are some email templates that have worked well.

Some highlights:

1 – With HelloFund Virtual Auctions, you have the ability to make items Invisible. Making an Item Invisible allows you to market a Surprise Item when you are ready to Activate. This generates excitement and also gets people back to the main auction site to bid.

2 – We recommend using your preferred Email provider to create emails to your Donor base. We have found most organizations we work with utilize Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Emma. While you have the ability to send emails through HelloFund’s Virtual Auction, you are able to do a little more customization through these providers…and you may have your Donor information already in one of these email providers.


Email 1 – Information about Virtual Auction Event

Insert Your Organization Logo Here

Background Image with Details about Event

Text in Body of Email

Online Mini-Auction (link to Online Auction –

Online Mini-Auction closes tomorrow at 9:00 PM …did you know there is a “Surprise Item” that will be revealed on May 14? What could it be? Take your chances and bid today!

NEW AUCTION ITEM! “Perfect Date-Night-In” Donated by: Colleen’s Kitchen & Fric Family, Stems Flora Design & Abby Daigle, Sally & DJ Allen

Thank all your Sponsors!

Insert Image/PDF of all your Sponsors

Text info about your Virtual Gathering

Insert Date and Time

Since we can’t be together in person this week for our annual Your Event Name, join us for a virtual gathering on our original Gala date! Tune in to learn about Your Organization’s Name newly-virtual education programs and hear a message from our Main Supporting Name and Gala Event Chair, Insert Full Name Here! *Please share this event with your friends!* Insert YouTube Live Link, Facebook Live, Zoom, or Conference Call Info

Create Signature Cocktail

Create Your Event Name signature cocktail at home and virtually toast with us on Your Event Date at 12:00 PM as we commemorate our original Gala date!

Insert PDF of Signature Drink Recipe with Picture

Insert Information About Your Organization

Insert Social Media Logos and Links

Email 2 – Thank all Donors and Follow Up Email

Thank y’all so much for your participation and support in this week’s Event Name! We hope you’re even more excited for the actual In-Person Event coming on Insert a Date! What a celebration it will be!

If you missed the LIVE event yesterday, you can still watch the Insert Video Recording Here. (the video starts at time-stamp 12:44)

Thanks to you, Your Organization Name can continue its mission through these tough times; insert Mission Statement. Visit our website to see our COVID-19 resources, including some fun activities for your kiddos!

We’re almost to our fundraising goal! Help us get to $10,000 by donating below!


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